Soil and Water Conservation

Vol.04 Issue No. 04
July - December, 2002

Transfer and Posting :

  • Shri F.R. Marak, Divisional Soil Conservation Officer, Survey Division to Baghmara Division (CC)
  • Shri S.K. Sangma, Divisional Soil Conservation Officer Simsanggre to Tura (T) Division.
  • Shri S.A. Sangma Asco i/c Tura (T) to Simsanggre S.C. Division.
  • Shri Sahason R. Marak, Asco Simsanggre to Tura (T) Division (He has gone on voluntary retirement w.e.f. 31.10.2002).
  • Shri Mustain Ch. Momin, Asco Baghmara to Project Formulation Cell attached to Jt. Director Soil Conservation, Tura.
  • Shri H.J. Sangma, Asco, PFC to Baghmara Division.
  • Smti. M. Diengdoh, Asco Nongstoin Division to Directorate, Shillong.
  • Shri A.B.S. Swer, Asco, PFC to Meghalaya Cash Crop Development Board or E.O Vice I Nongkhlaw E.O., whose services are reverted back to Parent Department.
  • Shri Prince Syrpuh, SCR Shillong (T) to Soil Survey Division, Shillong.
  • Shri B.P. Marwein, SCR Shillong (T) to Nongstoin S.C. Division
  • Shri S.D. Blah, SCR Jowai (T) Division to Amlarem Range Jowai (T)
  • Shri N. Dkhar, SCR Jowai (CC) To Shillong (T) Division
  • Shri F. Lamin, SCR Nongstoin Division to Shillong (T) Division
  • Shri N.M. Rose Thma SCR from Jowai (T) Amlarem Range to Jowai (CC) Namdong Range.
  • Shri J. Diengkseh, SCR Soil Survey Division to Nongstoin Division
  • Shri Bilton D. Arenge, SCR Soil Survey Division to Simsanggre Division.
  • Shri Ricklately M. Sangma SCR Tura (T) to Meghalaya Commercial Crop Development Board at Tura.


Retirement from Govt. Service

  • Shri Abdul Zalik, Tractor Driver, Tura (T) on the 31st July, 2002.
  • Shri B.K. Pathak; SCFW, Nongstoin Division on the 31st August, 2002.
  • Shri Piush Sangma, Rubber Tapper Baghmara Division on the 30th September, 2002.
  • Shri Hargeshwar Momin, Chowkidar CTI, Byrnihat on the 3rd October, 2002
  • Shri Domolsing Marak, Tractor Handyman, Tura (T) on the 30th November, 2002.


Lest We Forget

" Message "

On behalf of the Department of Soil and Water Conservation Department, Meghalaya. The Directorate of Soil Conservation, Meghalaya, Shillong wishes to convey its sincere condolences through this issue of Newsletter to all members of the bereaved families of the following Soil and Water Conservation Staff who passed away in the line of duty from July to December, 2002.

  • Late Shri B.C. Das, Accountant Ri Bhoi Division who expired on the 2nd July, 2002.
  • Late Shri Stephan Khriam, Driver Engineering Division who expired on 12th July, 2002
  • Late Shri Richard Warjri, Chowkidar Nongstoin Division who expired on 21st August, 2002
  • Late Shri Chandra Bahadur Thapa, Chowkidar Shillong (T) Division who expired on 2nd September, 2002
  • Late Shri Soban N. Marak, Chowkidar Simsanggre Division who expired on the 6th October, 2002
  • Late Shri M. Thongni, LDA, Nongstoin Division who expired on the 12th October, 2002
  • Late Shri Hari Bahadur, Chowkidar, Jowai (T) who expired on the 19th October, 2002.
  • Late Shri Bot Wankhar, Tractor Driver, Shillong (T) who expired on the 6th November, 2002
  • Late Shri Chindro Marak, Tractor Driver, Tura (T) who expired on the 13th December, 2002.
  • Late Shri Stickson Suting, Dak Runner Project Formulation Cell who expired on the 24th December, 2002.


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Upon this HANDFUL OF SOIL our survival depends Husband it.
& it will grow Our food, fibre & fuel & surround us with beauty.
Abuse it, the soil will degrade & collapse taking mankind with it.

Soil & Water Conservation Meghalaya Newsletter. Vol. 4 (4) July - December, 2002