Meghalaya Commercial Crops Development Board (MCCDB)

The MCCDB came into existence by an Act. The MEGHALAYA ACT 6 of 1997 (As passed by the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly). Which received the assent of the Governor on the 3rd May 1997 and was published in the Gazette of Meghalaya Extraordinary issue dated 3rd May. 1997. The Act was amended by the Meghalaya Commercial Crops Development Board (Amendment) Act. 2001 (Meghalaya Act No.3 of 2001) for which assent of the Governor was received on the 19th April. 2001 and published by the Law (B) Department Vide Notification No.L.L. (B).6/96/174.dt 23/4/2001.

Constitution of the Board:

The Board is constituted by the State Government by Notification in the official Gazette in the name of the Meghalaya Commercial Crops Development Board. It is a corporate body having perpetual succession and a common seal with powers to acquire, hold, mortgage and be sued. The headquarter of the Board is at Shillong in the address mentioned below.

Aims and Objectives of the Board:

The Board has been set up with the main objective to promote cultivation of Horticultural and Plantation crops so as to uplift the economic condition of the farming population of Meghalaya and thereby developing the economy of the State. In the process, the Board gradually expect to bring about an end to harmful practices of jhum farming. It is the duty of the Board to promote by such measures, as it thinks fit, for the cultivation, processing and marketing of commercial crops listed below, in the State of Meghalaya. Measures to be taken by the Board without prejudice are as follows:-

  1. Advising cultivation in land use and land development particularly for cultivation of commercial crops;
  2. Motivating cultivators to take up cultivation of commercial crops and assisting them with technical advice;
  3. Advising any person interested in setting up processing units and assisting him in establishing linkage with other processing units or with the Commodity Board;
  4. Assisting cultivators to procure quality seeds, planting materials and other inputs;
  5. Exploring, as far as practicable, new cultivation technology;
  6. Creating marketing infrastructure and finding outlets for the purpose ; and
  7. Assisting, with advice, any person engaged in cultivation, processing or marketing of commercial crops in getting financial assistance from Bank or other financial institutions or assistance from Commodity Boards.

The Board has been left with the freedom to adopt any other measures in order to discharge its duty in a meaningful manner. The major objectives of the Board are:

  1. Promoting cultivation, processing and marketing of commercial crops through financing and technical assistance;
  2. To establish marketing infrastructures and developing the marketing channels for commercial crops;
  3. To promote and facilitate adoption of new technology including adoption of improved seeds, planting materials, inputs etc,;
  4. To motivated farmers through all-round-assistance for cultivation of commercial crops, and
  5. To motivated through all-round-assistance potential entrepreneurs, co-operatives, farmers associations etc. to set up processing units as well as marketing infrastructure.

Commercial Crops to be taken up by the Board:

According to the Act, the commercial crops to be taken by the Board are:-

(1) Potatoes (2) Tapioca (3) Broomsticks (4) Tezpatta (5) Cotton (6) Rubber (7) Tea (8) Coffee (9) Cashewnut (10) Black Pepper (11) Ginger (12) Turmeric (13) Betel leaf (14) Arecanut (15) Citrus fruits (16) Temperate fruits (17) Edible bamboo (18) Medicinal or Aromatic plants and any other crops the State Government may specify by Notification.

Present Activities and functioning of the Board:

At present the Board is facilitating and taking up marketing of Smoked Rubber Sheets/Scraps and coffee. The Board will provide information and link the growers with approved buyers i.e. in case of Smoked Rubber sheets/scraps, with approved buyers at the Kottayam rates ( or the growers can visit the web site for current upto-date rates), and in case of coffee with the Coffee Board of India.

In case the Rubber/Coffee growers wish to sell their produce though the MCCDB, Administrative, Transportation and Handling charges @ 10% (Ten Percent) of the total sale price will be deducted in addition to taxes as applicable if any.

The Board is also facilitating and supporting the growers of Rubber, Coffee and Black Pepper in production and processing whose plantations and crops were developed and handed over by the Soil Conservation Department, Meghalaya. Any such growers can contact MCCDB at the addresses below:

Arrangements have also been made by the Board regarding rubber taping and processing chemicals, tools and equipments. Growers requiring and in need of these materials can contact the Board and the materials will be made available to them within 15 days or at the earliest possible time.

The MCCDB in collaboration with the Rubber Board of India is also promoting the growing of Rubber through the Rubber Group Planting Scheme. This scheme is targeted for the marginal farmers farming a group of not less than 10 (Ten) people. The assistance from the MCCDB is 14.9%, from the Rubber Board - 65.7% and the balance 19.4% is to be contributed by the growers, mostly in the form of labour.

*** Clarification, queries, etc. for detailed information may be obtained from the following addresses:-

1. Headquarter
Chief Executive Officer,
Meghalaya Commercial Crops Development Board
Administrative Building (GAD). Lower Lachumiere
Shillong G.P.O, post Box No.84

2. Tura Nucleus Cell
Executive Officer,
Meghalaya Commercial Crops Development Board
Nucleus Cell, Tura,
Soil & Water Conservation Office Complex,
West Garo Hills, Meghalaya