Conservation Training Institute
The Conservation Training Institute is a premier Institute in the North East which provides long term and short term training courses in Soil and Water Conservation, Forestry and other Allied Subjects to sponsored candidates of various Government Departments /Public Undertaking /Private Organizations /District Councils of the State and the other North Eastern States. 1178 trainees have been trained in different courses in the Institute upto 2013.
Location of the Institute
The Conservation Training Institute is located at Byrnihat, Meghalaya along the Shillong- Guwahati National Highway No.40. It is 18 kms from the Guwahati railway and bus stations, 35 kms from the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi airport and 75 kms from Shillong. Situated at an altitude of 100m above mean sea level (msl), the Institute enjoys a warm summer about 34° C and moderate winter of about 18° C.
Course Provided
- Field Assistant Training Course: - The Field Assistant Training Programme is designed for Field Executives in the Rank of Soil & Water Conservation Demonstrator Junior-I and equivalent. This 11-month training course on basics of Soil and Water Conservation, Forestry and related subjects. The subjects covered in this course are Soil Science, Agronomy, Surveying and Levelling, Botany, Silviculture, Forest Mensuration, Wild life, Forest law, Forest Utilization, Forest Engineering, Accounts and Procedures and Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.
- Middle Level Technician Training Programme: - This is a 5 1/2-month advanced course on the techniques, planning, designing and project formulation of Soil and Water Conservation Programmes for those having minimum qualification of P.U. Science or equivalent or in- service Soil Conservation Ranger/ Forest Ranger/Agriculture Extension Officer/ Overseer/Draftsman Grade I/ Surveyor Grade I or equivalent. The subjects covered are Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, Soil Science, Agronomy and Forestry. Emphasis is laid on the preparation of project reports for Watershed Management works.
- Short term courses: - The Short term courses provided in CTI are
- Participatory rural appraisal of 3 to 10 days duration.
- Soil Survey Course of 30 days duration.
- Surveying and Leveling Course of 30 days duration.
- Plantation Crops Development course of 45 days duration.
- Watershed Management Course of 25 Days duration.
- Plantation Crops Development course for lower level functionaries of 10 days duration.
Facilities Offered
Hostel: The Institute has a hostel which houses the trainees free of cost during the training period. A cook and helpers are provided but trainees manage their own mess. The capacity of the hostel is 45 (forty five) seats for the Field Assistant Course and 20 (twenty) seats for the Middle Level Technician Training Programme. Trainees will have to bring their own linen and bedding materials.
Library: The Institute has a library for the trainees.
Extra Curricular Activities: There is a Physical Training Instructor to supervise the trainees in sports and games. The Institute has a football ground, a badminton court and a TT table for the purpose.
Dispensary: The Institute has a dispensary manned by a full time doctor and nurse.
Transportation: The Institute is equipped with 2 (two) buses for the purpose of study tours. However, one of the buses is under the process of replacement.
Recreation: There is an auditorium equipped with a television and a common room for indoor games.Training Course Results
- Result of 47th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2019-2020
(468 kb)
- Result of 46th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2018-2019
(676 kb)
- Result of 45th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2017-2018
(552 kb)
- Result of 44th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2016-2017
(30.3 kb)
- Result of 43rd Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2015-2016
(370 kb)
- Result of 42nd Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2014-2015
(95 kb)
- Result of 41st Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2013-2014
(134 kb)
- Result of 40th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2012-2013
(112 kb)
- Result of 39th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2011-2012
(152 kb)
- Result of 38th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2010-2011
(2.1 mb)
- Result of 37th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2009-2010
(82 kb)
- Result of 36th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2008-2009
(91 kb)
- Result of 35th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2007-2008
(81 kb)
- Result of 34th Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2006-2007
(144 kb)
- Result of 32nd Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2004-2005
(146 kb)
- Result of 31st Batch Field Assistant Training Course 2003-2004
(125 kb)