Visits and Iinspections
14th March 2003: Shri A.K.Srivastava, I.F.S, Additional Commissioner (Forestry) Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India visited Umpling and Umlew Micro-Watershed -Watershed Development Project In Shifting Cultivation Areas. He was accompanied by Shri A.Syiem, Joint Director of Soil Conservation

Shri A.K. Srivastava IFS Addl. Commissioner Ministry of Agrl. (GOI) during his visit to Umpling - Umrynjah (WDPSCA) on 14th March, 2003
(Headquarter), Shri D.S. Kharsyntiew, Joint Director of Soil Conservation (CTI), Shri K.W.Marbaniang, Divisional Soil Conservation Officer & Project Leader, Smti.S.Pohsnem, Assistant Soil Conservation Officer & Watershed Secretary, besides members of Umlew and Umpling - Umrynjah Watershed Association and Committees. The team visited the composite nursery, entry Point Activities, different activities under Watershed Development Project in Shifting Cultivation Areas and few of the income generating activities like vermi-compost, Mud Block etc. Representative of Watershed Association and Committees including different group of Self Help Groups presented a report of their activities.
15th March 2003: To promote a better and a more conducive working atmosphere and improve inter-relationships between the officers and staff of the Nongstoin Soil Conservation Division, a one-day Office Picnic was organised at Kynroh, 5 km away from Nongstoin. Games and other entertainments were conducted for which prizes and gifts were distributed to the winners.