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The Eastern Ri-Bhoi Wildlife and Forest Protection Association, Umden extend its gratitude to the Soil Conservation Department for implementation of various developmental schemes in Ri-Bhoi District.
The two schemes of Watershed Development Project in Shifting Cultivation Areas (WDPSCA) and the Integrated Wasteland Development Project (IWDP) have greatly benefited the people of Ri-Bhoi and through these schemes, the farmers were able to plant fruit trees and have also realized the importance of planting trees in barren areas especially near water sources. This has greatly enhanced water supply to be used for irrigation. Through the implementation of the above schemes, farmers are now able to construct ponds for fishery, to build check dams for irrigation, to develop drinking water supply sources and even to build community halls in many villages.
More importantly, under the schemes, farmers were exposed to various kinds of training programmes where they were taught to conserve the forests, wildlife and bird species and to stop burning woods for charcoal.
Therefore, the Association expressed its profound thanks to the Department and pleads for its continuing guidance and support to the people of Ri-Bhoi in all the years to come.
S.D. Matong,
D.D. Mawphniang,
Shri Hiro Nongdhar, Jeep Driver, Shillong Soil Conservation (T) Division expired on 13thApril 2003.
Shri K.S. Gashnga, Soil Conservation Ranger, Jowai (T) Division expired on 21st April 2003.
The term SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT was coined by World Commission on Environment headed by Giro Harlem Brundtland in the report "Our Common Future", London 1984. The commission defined Sustainable development as "development that meets the needs of the present with out compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs".
S-E-L-F H-E-L-P G-R-O-U-P ..stands for S= Saving E= Earning L= Love F= Friendship H= Honesty E= Employment L= Learning P= Productivity G= Growth R= Resources O= Opportunity U= Unity P= Planning |
To remove chewing-gum from hair and clothes, rub it with an ice-cube. The chewing-gum will peel off easily.
Lady's finger curry will not turn out sticky if you add a pinch of amchur (dry mango powder) to it.
Rub a slice of lemon on your leather purse or belt for that extra shine.
To remove burnt stains from an aluminium vessel, rub it with sandpaper.
Protect clothes and documents from silverfish by keeping dry red chilies in your cupboard.
To remove paan stains from clothes, rub them with a piece of guava.
Apply the juice of basil leaves to minor cuts and wounds to stop bleeding.
To prevent gold-and silver-plated ornaments from tarnishing, apply 2 coats of colourless nail polish on them.
Put a teaspoonful of coconut oil into your bath water every day and watch your skin grow.
To clean suede shoes, rub a piece stale bread over them.
To remove creases from velvet, hang
it in a steamy bathroom. -
When colours run while washing clothes, add a little vinegar to the 1st rinse.
"Nature is just enough; but men and women must comprehend and accept her suggestions." |
Jailor: So, you wanted to be a warder. How will you cope with these tough prisoners?
Applicant: No problem Sir, if they do not obey me, out they go.
Excuses To Use When Caught Sleeping At Work
This is just a 15 minute power nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to.
This is one of the seven habits of highly effective people!
I'm actually doing a Stress Level Elimination Exercise Plan (SLEEP). I learned at the last mandatory seminar you made me attend.
I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work related stress. Do you discriminate against people who practice Yoga?
No! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem.
Geez, I thought you (the boss) were gone for the day.